🇬🇧 Задание уровня B2 Watch Profile Pictures - Science of Attraction video and answer the questions. Choose True or False and correct the mistakes: According to the scientific research: 1)Men are much most interested in physical appearance than women (T / F) 2)Women are more interested in career prospects and personality trades that men (T/F) 3)Men agree more on who they find intelligent and dumb than woman (T/F) 4)Women has a much narrower opinion about who they like (T/F) 5)The first girl chose Mr. C because he looked more serious and responsible than the rest. (T/F) 6)The boy wearing a gray round cap said “The photo I liked best was letter D because I am a fan of short hair” (T/F) 7)Miss C was the more popular. (T/F) 8)Women voted Mr. C, A, and E most frequently (T/F) 9)Women’s choices vary most than men’s when it comes down to what they find fun (T/F) 10)The most popular type of photo was the one which shows you doing something interesting (T/F) 11)Flashing flesh pictures generates the most meaningful messages. (T/F) #okeykms #English #vocabulary #learn

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